Why Am I Seeing Halos When I Look At Lights?

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Most people have experienced temporary vision changes, including light halos, at some point in their lives. While changes in your vision are often harmless and resolve on their own, there are some instances when vision disturbances may be a sign of a serious condition that should be evaluated promptly. At inVision Ophthalmology Birmingham in Birmingham, AL, our expert team provides comprehensive eye care to detect, diagnose, and treat a wide range of eye conditions before they cause irreversible damage. Read on to learn more about seeing light halos, including what it may mean and when you should seek treatment.

What are light halos?

Light halos are often described as a blurry ring or aura around a light. Many patients report seeing light halos more often at night, though they can appear when looking at virtually any light source at any time of day.

Why do I see halos around lights?

Some light halos are perfectly innocent, while others may be a sign of a serious eye problem or health condition. Common causes of seeing blurry rings or halos around light include:

  • Cataracts: Patients often develop cataracts later in life, which are characterized by cloudiness in the eye’s natural lens. Cataracts can be treated with cataract surgery, which replaces the lens with an artificial IOL.

  • Glaucoma: Certain types of glaucoma may cause halos around lights. Glaucoma, which is associated with elevated eye pressure, should be treated promptly to avoid a permanent loss of vision.

  • Migraine/headache: Vision changes, including spots, auras, and halos, are common side effects of migraine headaches. Additionally, excessive stress, lack of sleep, an alcohol-induced hangover, and other factors can lead to a headache with light halos.

While these are some of the most common causes of light halos, they are not the only ones. Certain eye conditions, previous eye surgery, eye injury, and other factors may also contribute to vision disturbances, including halos.

What should I do if I am seeing light halos?

Noticing rings around lights can certainly be frightening, but they may not be a cause for major concern. If light halos appear during a migraine and resolve as the migraine subsides, further treatment may not be required. However, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms in relation or in addition to seeing light halos, you should contact your eye doctor immediately:

  • Loss of vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Painful, itchy, or dry eyes
  • Sudden changes in vision
  • Floaters or spots
  • Blind spot in eye
  • Chronic or severe headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Inability to see or drive at night
  • Light halos that last several days or longer

Because certain conditions that cause light halos can lead to permanent vision loss, it is important to seek evaluation and treatment at the first sign of a problem. In particular, glaucoma can progress rapidly and lead to permanent blindness if left untreated.

Seeing light rings or halos? Protect your vision with an eye exam in Birmingham, AL

Temporary light halos may be nothing to worry about, but it is important to seek prompt evaluation and treatment to safeguard your vision and avoid serious complications. If you are seeing light halos, call inVision Ophthalmology Birmingham in Birmingham, AL to schedule your private consultation with one of our award-winning providers today, and get the personalized care and treatment you deserve.

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