How Early Can Glaucoma Be Treated?

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Glaucoma is a troubling condition that can lead to severe eyesight problems if not treated soon enough. Glaucoma consists of certain diseases that attack the optic nerve, which connects the eyes to the brain. The condition progressively causes vision loss, starting with tunnel vision and eventually leading to complete blindness.

Glaucoma can be especially concerning for people over 60, but it can be managed with early detection and the right treatment. If you feel like you may be suffering from glaucoma, contact the ophthalmologists at inVision Ophthalmology Birmingham for a comprehensive eye exam in Birmingham, AL.

Who is likely to develop glaucoma?

People 60 years of age or older are more likely to develop glaucoma, but early-stage glaucoma can appear in people as young as 40. Those who have experienced any risk factors for glaucoma could have a higher potential for developing the disease, including family history.

People with corneas thinner in the center or who have experienced prior eye injuries may also experience glaucoma. The condition is also more persistent in people of Hispanic, Asian, or African descent.

Early on, symptoms of glaucoma are hard to detect, but you may notice it is harder to focus on objects as you age. You may also notice a decreasing field of vision. Some people experience nausea or vomiting because their line of vision has become too muddled or otherwise hard to manage.

How can glaucoma be identified?

The best way to treat glaucoma or reduce its intensity is early detection. Regular checks are necessary as you age, especially after you reach 40 years of age.

Our ophthalmologists at inVision Ophthalmology Birmingham can examine your eyes to determine if you are suffering from or are more susceptible to glaucoma. A tonometry test can review intraocular pressure, while a dilated eye exam will review if there is noticeable optic nerve damage.

Other tests include pachymetry, a test of corneal thickness. The measurement helps identify if you have a higher potential of developing glaucoma in Birmingham, AL.

An annual review of your eyes is recommended, especially as you age. Your eyes can change over the years, so proper reviews of how they are operating and if they are still healthy will be critical for your visual health.

What can be done to treat glaucoma?

Glaucoma does not have a cure, so early treatment is necessary to prevent the condition from becoming worse. You may require prescription eye drops that will reduce eye pressure and help excess fluid drain from the eye. Beta-blockers and prostaglandins are the most common drops you can use, but the specific item you should utilize will vary by condition.

Surgical procedures may also be necessary. These include minimally invasive procedures that help clear excess fluid from the eyes to reduce pressure.

Contact us today for glaucoma treatment in Birmingham, AL

Glaucoma is a concerning threat that can negatively influence your vision, but with early detection, our team at inVision Ophthalmology Birmingham can help you manage the disease. Contact us today to learn more about our service and how we can assist you in preventing glaucoma from becoming worse in Birmingham, AL.

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